Make your room look brand new!

As we keep being stuck inside, our surroundings become more and more familiar to us. Looking at the same 4 walls all day, it becomes repetitive and even, dare I say, boring!
Everyone needs something to spice up their rooms and offices, but especially now, it’s harder than ever. From not being able to leave your house to stores still in the process of opening up and uncertainly long shipping times, getting any sort of new decorations is harder than it has to be.
And so, as any other zoomer would do, I turned to the one and only TikTok. Luckily,
the trending page led me to a neon painting tutorial! I’ve always wanted one of those neon signs as a statement piece but they’re always hard to get a hold of or are insanely expensive. So why not paint it?

I’m sure it was just me, but I … had a rough start, to say the least. My brushes were too frayed at the end and my hands were too shaky to draw the smooth lines needed for the outlines. These jagged and uneven lines really took away from the expected effect of the *glow*. I couldn’t stop laughing when doing this because mine looked so bad in comparison.
I realized a quarter of the way through that this process wasn’t going to work for me, after a 5 min break of me rethinking my decisions. I decided to revert the process and go from outside in, starting with the thickest outline using the dark colour (in my case dark green). This made it look better than before, but it still wasn’t the best to be honest.
In the end, I think it turned out kind of cute, but definitely nowhere close to the paintings I was seeing in those tutorials I watched. Without the inability to draw a nice outline however, I’m sure this would’ve turned out 100x better!
I think this is a super cute idea and I love how personalizable it can be! The materials needed are relatively simple, but one thing to note is the importance of good thin brushes. Otherwise, your painting will end up like mine :( Overall, I don’t think I’ll be trying this again with my current materials just because I thought it looked tackier than I thought it would be. That being said, a lot of it depends on the materials you use so everyone might get a different result. Drop us a message and let us know if you ended up trying this out yourself!!